allotment blog

Thursday, May 18, 2006

well things are beginning to start showing now, thank god it doesnt look like just bare earth or graves as my dad has kindly put it!!!
the second plot has got a major clean up operation to be done, but were working our way through it slowly,
Brian put a couple of bits of cardboard down and some compo0st , covered with some plastic and has planted some potatoes in them, and theyre allready starting to poke thier way through!!!
the peas are comming up trumps, so,s the swede,beetroot,runners,garlic, onion,spinach and all sorts!!!
everytime i do something i realise i could do it a bit diffenrent next year, for example, i have sowed lots of seeds quite close together which makes it a pain in the arse to hoe round stuff, so another little lesson learnt!
theres an awfull ots of stuff that i do with buying to go on our plot at the mo, but with the impending wedding in a few months time, weve really got to tighten the purse strings, so itll just have to wait till after september!


Blogger NoForkandGood said...

Graves, hehe, your dad isn't far wrong ya minga ;)

The second pic from the top does look like you're in the Bromsgrove-Mafia!

As to learning to do things better next year, I'm also experiencing much the same Sarah, I think its the only way you truly learn.

Keep it real girl and be sure to be givin much luvin to the man from Halfords! :)

Paul.. x

12:16 PM  

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