hiya all! we finally have a new computer which is taking me ages to get to grips with so if my spelling pants just ignore it!!!
the lottie is comming along briilliant, but due to the mega hot weather its taking a real load of effort to get it watered as much as possible.
theres so much comming up, and so much that has gone allready, the peas were lovley while they lasted, but unfortunatly never even made it home! now the sugar snaps are making an entrance, the beetroot ,perpetual spinach,and swede are regular favorites too.
the second plot we took is comming along too, slowley but surely, as its been so hot, i can only manage to dig a bit then my red wine calls me and i have to sit and chill out with a fag!
we have planted a large bed on the second plot with tons of strawberrys, and have put some corgettes and butternut squash in some grow bags too.
our onions allthough small are a real hit too, we use so many of them in our cooking i will definatley be taking two beds up with those nextyear and with the garlic too, our washing line looks hilarious though as im hanging them out on the line to dry out before storing them, bugger the washing!!!!!!!!
our spud experiment seems to be going well too. we just put some cardboard down, covered with with muck and compost, and black plastic and dropped some spuds in and theyre comming up a treat!