weve been trying get down the lottie as much in the week as possible just to ge some bits and pieces done, and the extra digging is helping me shift the pre wedding butt too!,
we popped down tuesday afternoon, and an old lady was strolling around chatting to people, we had a natter and she turned out to be the wife of an old chap a few plots down with a gorgeous plot, this chap was one of the ones who eyed us suspicously when we first arrived.
anyhow she said that her husband had said he was really impressed with the two of us and we allways seem to be working hard and our plot is comming along 'just lovley'!!!! wohhhoooo !!!!
ive just started digging another bed out with has got to top the list of 'worse couch grass ever' so thats gonna take some getting out, but its all good anyway.
we have just taken on the plot next door which is chock a block full of branbles, so im gonna do it bit by bit, and try the cardboard, manure, then black plastic and plant my left over spuds in just to see what happens.! im so full of inspiration after watching my 'allotment' dvd that arrived last week, theres so many good ideas on there specially when youre just starting up like us!
im a bit unsure whether one or two of the fruit bushes have died on us or not.. ill give em another couple of weeks to prove emself then theyre out!
im still unsure about the rotation thing, it seems to me the way i have planted things out, im going to be swapping plants all over the place, and im sure ive not done it right, mind you, the girls on me allotment forum have told me to chill and not woryy, so i guess theyre right!