allotment blog

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thursday 23rd March

Managed to finish work early today to pop up town to but some more fruit bushes. We have got some more raspberrys, and another goose-gog bush , but this time weve bought a red variety.
And as usual we cant come out the shop without buying something extra, so ive got a packet of runner beans, and some perpetual spinach, which ive still to find out about how to grow!!!
The shed is almost finished, and brian is just making the door to go on it now!
The only nagging worry that i keep on having is that when we were at the lottie the other day, we met with the chap who has the plot behind us, dave,s his name. Anyhow he was saying to us to be carefull with what we leave on our plot because of vandals, he said he doesnt even put a lock on his shed anymore, to stop them from ruining his shed, he just doent leave anything valuable there in the first place.Im just worrying that as Brian has made our shed from scratch, albeit mainly to save some pennies and for fun, if the shitholes decided to vandalise it, id be devastated for him because of the time and effort he put in to make it in the first place!!"
Ahh well we shall have to see, and start dreaming up ways of disguising things around the plot, and hiding things!!!
thought id post a couple of piccys of my Father in law too bless him, hes got the plot next door to us, so were never short of tea and chat!

Thursday 23rd March

Monday, March 20, 2006

Monday 20th March

Grrrrrrrrrrrr! just when I manage to wrangle some time off work and rely on the weather to be at least dry why does it have to be so horrible?!!!
We woke up to see the darkest sky imaginable this morning, So, not to be put off, I started sewing some more seeds in the greenhouse, Tomatoes ,'marmande' ,asters, and sweet peas, a bit of a mix but I love my shrubs and flowers too, checked the brussel sprouts are doing ok, they have just started to sprout, and begged the sweetcorn and peas to make an the same every year, i cant wait for the first seedling to emerge!
I have also planted some lilly bulbs in some pairs of boots, daft i know but ive a perfectly good reason why!
For Christmas just gone, when me and Brian had just got our allotment i was dead keen to have a funky pair of wellies, so imagine how exited i was when i opened one of my prezzies on Christmad day to find a bright pink pair of boots with white hearts all over em!!! imagine then, my disapointment when on the second trip up to our lottie, when the metal rod slid out of my boot and make a massive hole in em!! hense the reson for the lillys in them , not to mention ive also planted some in my old pair of doc martens boots too, as I wouldnt dare to part with my old babies!!!
Just for the record, ive now got a very sober 'practical' pair of wellies.....

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday, March 19th

every weekend we wake up hoping the weather is going to be at least dry, and this sunday it was lovley!
It took us all our time to get to the lottie today as we were both suffering with mild hangovers so, we really needed the fresh air to get us moving!!!!
Brian is really getting on well with building the shed, and i have managed to dig a few more beds out.
A friend of ours has promised us lots of horse muck, although we are going to have to pile it all into a big bin to let it rot down a bit first as its very fresh.
I have planted out some onion sets today, and also some garlic along with them too, I read up and what to put in the bed and ive been informed that onions like ash,manure(rotted) and compost , so ive put all three in, but not in huge quantities, as the soil looked in pretrty resonable nick anyhow.

Sunday, January 8th 2006

We are getting there slowley but surely, ive managed to dig a couple of beds now, but the soil is that thick with couch grass that ive gived up all hope of pulling it out, i am now digging down a spades depth down till im well past the roots, and just piling it up at the back of our plot, thankfully its pretty apparent that someone once loved this plot as the soil is really good for quite a way down so at least im not digging down into any subsoil.
Brians Dad is having a good old go too, and hes planning what to put and where, hes even got his shed up allready so we can store some of our stuff there for the time being.
ive dug a long narrow bed across the side of our plot to put some runner beans in, although i thinks its far too narrow now ive done it, so ill just have to see what happens!
its so peacefull and quiet down on the lottie, its so nice to escape the mad pace of work and just come down here and chill out, our friends cant seem to understand what we mean when we say we are chilling out when we getting covered with horse muck, mud, straw, and wood ash, but its out in the open air, complete with half rotten deckchair, a flask of tea and a fag and we,re in bliss!!!!

december 2005

Me and brian went to have look at brian,s dads allotment today, i didnt realise just how many plots have been left unused....hmmmm im having a little think.....'wotchya think bri?' 'sounds good to me sair, and lets face it, you,re taking more and more of the lawn up every year....'
So here we are, greenland allotments Redditch near birmingham, me and Brian my hubby to be on Sept 30th 2006 , youd think we had more to be worryting about with wedding plans than what to plant and where aye?...oh no, .... plants first, and wedding stuff later, weve got work to do!!!!!

This is pretty much how we started our allotment exept that here we have managed to strim all the grass(couch) down and start burning bits and pieces.
The plan being to dig each plot over and enrich the soil as we go, Brian has decided he is going to build his own shed bless him, as he is well in to his carpentry!
ohh well wish us luck aye!!!